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Hello, September!

A month ago, I stared out at August and nearly fell over at the list waiting for me to complete it. Personal goals. Writing deadlines. Scheduled events. Holy mind-blowing adventures, friends!

I posted my first book review on my blog last month. I finished edits for two stories that will appear in the upcoming Reuts anthology. I wrote a story for the upcoming haunted house showcase for the Pen and Muse blog. I finished revising Doors (again) and sent it off to pitchwars. My Doors query looks better than ever. I critiqued a couple of stories and a MG manuscript for friends.

My daughter celebrated her 12th birthday this month. A new Dr. Who arrived.

What a month.

Dr brain WTH

And I survived. Actually, I thrived. Sure panic threatened to consume my mortal soul, but my crazy, magical weirdness kept it at bay. Writing is my life. I want it to be my life forever. The challenge was met and conquered. My productivity last month gives me reason to smile.

I am lazy at heart. Procrastination is my spec-ee-al-ity… (as said in voice of little old man from Neverending Story, you know the one that observes the Oracle?).


As much as I doubt my talent, it is my talent and I came out of this month with some pretty darn good (and creepy) words. By golly.

Now… pitchwars mentees are announced on Wednesday. I don’t expect to be chosen, but am interested in who is. I love to cheer on my friends.

And then there is this feeling swirling deep in my mind. My words are out there, waiting for judgement. Something lurks in the near future, forming in the unknown. When it all come together, what will it bring. Pain? Joy? Both?

minion eyes

So through my new calm I have discovered after completing ALL THE THINGS, anxiety buzzes in my head. For now I’m good. Suddenly, I’m not in the kitchen looking for food every two minutes. Yes, last month there was much comfort eating. I am not ashamed.

For everyone out there, working towards deadlines and goals, you got this! For those of us enjoying the calm after the storm, remember, more storms will arrive. Hopefully, all the chaos brings joy, a sense of accomplishment, even with the moments of panic and tears.

Carry on!