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I like TV. So many shows have touched my heart in different ways.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Because… awesome)

Supernatural (Hello, Winchester boys)

Firefly (Browncoats unite!)

Farscape (On the other end of the wormhole… anyone know this one?)

American Horror Story (Oh, the creepy, twisted FUN!)

Dr. Who (Whovians ROCK!)

Star Trek (Trekkies! Beam me up!)

Joan of Arcadia (Talking to God… anyone for this one?)

Ghost Whisperer (Ghosts and healing… before it went all wonky)

I love weird, I love scary, I love magic. Give me demons to fight, travelling in spaceships, creepy fun, but real life drama?


Why the show Parenthood, Kathy? Why? There’s no terror, not the demon variety. There’s no magic, not the Harry Potter variety. Why?

Well, you might remember a movie in the late 80’s… Parenthood? A stellar cast including Steve Martin? I love that movie. If it’s on I watch it.


So when a TV show appeared with the same name… I tuned in.

And I thought… a real life drama show… Hmmmm…

But I kept watching. And before I knew it I was hooked. I LOVED these people. I cheered for them, cried for them, wanted ALL THE GOOD THINGS FOR THIS FAMILY!

Each week I ended up in tears. Happy tears. Sad tears. Scared out of my mind for these people tears.


And I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t seen it, but last week’s episode… Amber… naming her baby… *sniff* Well… yeah. *wipes tears from my eyes*

Yes, well… there were extra tears that year. But the love. The heartache. The laughter. The struggle to live and be happy no matter what life brings.

The family always coming together in the end.


Without family, well, life would be less.

Tonight I will watch the last episode. I will sit on my couch and curl up with the final moments of the Braverman family. So you’ll know where to find me… bring tissues, because well…



And maybe a bit of…


I will miss this show. I will miss yelling at the TV when someone does something stupid. I will miss laughing at the strange messes they find themselves in. I will miss crying hysterically when things go horribly wrong. I will miss not seeing Amber become a mom. I will miss Sarah and Hank dealing with the struggles of being married. I will miss not knowing where life takes Drew. I will miss watching Max find his way in the world. I will miss learning how Zeek lives with a bad heart. I will miss all of them. All the stories.

Most of all I’ll miss the moments of family, the times they come together for each other. In the end that’s what it’s all about.

So long Parenthood. Thanks for the smiles as well as the tears and for reminding us that life has both. And that family is key to surviving.